Monday, August 15, 2011

Summer of Mark Week VIII

Monday: Off. Chiropractor for hip/back. Need to get right fast. Not a good time to push through something! Saw Rob League at 2:45 and explained my problem. Apparently I have a huge know in my left piraformis. I am heating it on the couch and am going to work it with a tennis ball and foam roller all night.

Tuesday: Massive amounts of time on the heating pad, foam roller, and lacrosse ball last night provided tremendous amounts of relief. Will treat for an hour heading into my run this morning. At 10:30 I headed out for thirteen miles alone in the rain. Felt mostly ok running 6:25 pace for the duration of the run. I could still tell that the hip / glute was a little off which was a little frustrating but it was significantly better than Saturday. Mile of striders post run. (1 hr. 25 min.)

Wednesday: Rolled the dice with the gods of back pain today and helped my father in law split wood. We have had a splitter set aside for this date for months so back pain or no back pain I was in for a big morning of work. Eight cord later we were all toast. Mary's brother John could barley move by the end of the day. Following a pulled pork and coleslaw grinder I headed to Lake Winona for a long open water swim. Swam a measured 1200 pretty hard and felt excellent given my five hours of hard work in the morning. Swam 20:20 for the 1200 which, given all the factors made me feel pretty good. I think being fresh Saturday morning that I will be in the neighborhood of 23:00 for 15oo Saturday in Burlington. Ended up swimming more and got in just over 2ooo meters including some transition runs. (40 min.) Once I got back to Ashland I was pretty much toast and decided to just run a gentle four miler down to Squam and back. Even as tired as I was I felt good on the run. (30 min.) (1 hr. 10 min.)

Thursday: 12:00 sixty five minute TT ride on The Vulture. Felt like rubbish even though I was going easy. (1 hr. five min.) Terrible four mile run followed by great chiropractor appointment. (30 min.) (1 hr. 35 min.)




Total: 4 hours 10 minutes


  1. Thanks for the warm up on Saturday, it was good to see you. There are some good pictures of you and your mom coming across the finish line.
    Good luck this weekend.

  2. Thanks James...

    Too bad the race did a number on my lower back! Good to see you running well!
